
  • Prize
    Winner in Architectural Design Residence
  • Company/Firm
    Arshia Architects
  • Lead Designer
    Arshia Mahmoodi
  • Other Designer(s)
  • Architect
    Arshia Mahmoodi
  • Interior Designer
    Arshia Mahmoodi
  • Hospitality
  • Construction Company
    Domaen Build Inc
  • Photo Credit
    Paul Vu / Renee Parkhurst / Yuheng Huang
  • Location
    1254 Roberto Ln, Bel Air, CA 90077
  • Project Date
  • Developer
    1254 Roberto Lane, LLC
  • Project Link

Perched on a hilltop in the Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the Los Angeles basin, the project gently lands a dynamic building on top of a buried podium that replicates the natural topography that was once there before the area was subdivided for development.

The design utilizes a split-level configuration that follows the topographic context of the site, where half-story floor plates fluidly connect all the functions of the house in vehement transparency. New adjacencies both visual and functional are formed, by means of oblique circulation over a central void allowing twice the utility of a traditionally dissected assemblage.

The design vocabulary was informed by streamline automotive aesthetics, proposing every technology in the house to have exponent performance discreetly, allowing the architectural space to deliver a sensory performance.

The interior concept for the project was based on a utilitarian approach to materials and palettes in contrast to the overall ambient approach of the design, where space overcame necessity. This balance of power proceeded in the backdrop of environmental sensitivity and clinical dearth.