Wanda Jin Danzhai

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design Resort – Economy
  • Company/Firm
    Wanda Hotel Design Institute
  • Lead Designer
    Liang Lv
  • Construction Company
    Wanda Hotel Design Institute
  • Location
    Danzhai, Guizhou, China
  • Project Date
    May 30th 2020
  • Developer
    Wanda Hotels & Resorts

Danzhai Jin Hotel is located in the southeast of Guizhou Province. The hotel design adopts the perfect combination of local style and ethnic customs. The local topography is from high to low, facing the lake and the landscape of Danzhai Town in the first phase. The hotel is built around the lake landscape by taking full advantage of the terrain. The hotel has a wide view and beautiful landscape, combined with the ancient culture and life philosophy of ethnic minorities Through the use of ethnically rich cultural pattern elements and color materials, a unique hotel with ethnic characteristics has been created.

Wanda hotel design and Research Institute is a world-class hotel design and Research Institute, covering architecture, interior, electromechanical, lighting, art, kitchen washing, logo and other disciplines. It is a professional hotel design institute with the experience of the owner. The designed hotel covers more than 20 brands of the world's five hotel management companies, and has completed the design and control of 200+ high-end hotels.