Braufactum Alexanderplatz

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
  • Lead Designer
    Mathis Malchow
  • Other Designer(s)
    Sebastian Blancke
  • Architect
    OOW Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH
  • Hospitality
    BMB Gruppe
  • Location
    Berlin, Germany
  • Project Date

Braufactum Alexanderplatz

Beer and burger restaurant

"Our first work with Janinhoff bricks - great what this material does to the room, especially when you let your creative muscles play!".

Craft Beer meets Metropolis. At the foot of the towering East Berlin landmark, the television tower, the new Braufactum beer bar Berlin at the northwest corner of Alexanderplatz offers a new meeting place for lovers of the art of brewing and good burgers. The restaurant offers 80 seats and a large beer garden and is designed in the style of an American Diner for self-service at lunchtime and full service in the evening. With the Janinhoff bricks we create a reference to the authentic Craft Beer inside. The dark blue provides for cosiness during the day with the oak tables.

Photo by White Kitchen, Berlin ©2017
Copyright OOW Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH ©2017

How OOW works
We want our visions to be more than just a sketch on paper. We want them to be concrete from the beginning: three-dimensional and realistic. That's why we have developed a visual working method that perfects the process from design to completion.
Right at the beginning of a project we create a visualization of the object. This 3-D image is the optimal basis for discussing with the client all the details that make good architecture: Materials, light and proportions.

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Other prizes
Green Good Design Award 2011 - Project CASA LOCARNO Architectur Master Prize 2020 - Category Houses Interior Project 7047 CONCRETE