The Dance of Peony

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Ccplan Design Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer
    Wang Sheng Cheng
  • Interior Designer
    posAmo Design
  • Construction Company
    Chong Hong Construction Co. Ltd.
  • Photo Credit
    posAmo Design
  • Location
  • Project Date

The Keelung River is transformed into the lobby water wall, with geometric lines flowing downward. Residents are greeted by an extraordinary steel unicorn sculpture that is like a dream come to life. The floor blooms like a flower with Azul Bahia granite, black silver and red copper outlining a unique pattern of water ripples, flowers and leaves. The dance of peony on the carpet is gently accompanied by piano music. The reception counter is carved with a rounded arc, and the back wall recalls a gold-faced mountain with layers of rock veins. A six-meter-high titanium-plated bronze electric door is beautifully engraved with a pattern of butterflies. Acting as a stage curtain it gives privacy to residents when closed and reveals the spectacle inside when opened. The courtyard has a large garden and pond, while the backyard reveals a forest and swimming pool for leisure time. Patterns of light blue peonies and azure laurel leaves playfully dance at the bottom of the pool. The sky bar offers elevated vistas of the cityscape and, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon to spread its wings, the symmetrical spiral staircase stretches to the sky revealing magnificent views of Taipei 101.

Design Follow Story ?Inspiration From Nature. Elements of the Orient is injected into the space with the splash-ink technique in landscape painting. Neo Oriental is proposed to break the traditional concept. Through observing local natural environment , humanities, history, ecology. We collect information and analyze data to complete the design.

Other prizes
DA International Design Awards ,Silver Winner A' Design Award , Silver Winner iF Design Award Melbourne Design Award,Golden Winner Paris Design Award,Silver Winner Berlin Design Award,Silver Winner