Realm Yan’an

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Wanda Hotel Design Institute
  • Lead Designer
    Jeff Ning
  • Hospitality
    Wanda Hotels & Resorts
  • Construction Company
    Wanda Hotel Design Institute
  • Location
    Yan’an, Shanxi, China
  • Project Date
  • Developer
    Wanda Hotels & Resorts

The hotel well conveys the local cultural characteristics of Yan’an, with a theme of the Chinese revolution and the spirit of revolution at Baota Mountain. The three-dimensional space of the hotel is integrated with intricate design and artistic creation, interpreting Yan’an’s red cultural spirits to modern people. The excellent traditional revolutionary virtues are characterized by positive beliefs, lofts ideals and morals, as well as reverence for hardship and frugality.
The entire lobby is modeled after the arch-shaped cave. The five arches support the whole space, extending the space upward, and rendering a majestic outlook. The peak of the arch catches the most attention. The crystal lamps are combined to form a wave, which surround the center of a red star and light up the entire lobby. The lobby carries the concept that a single spark can start a prairie fire. The colors decorating the space are derived from the adobes of the cave, evoking people’s memory of historic events. The main background of the lobby is a huge bronze sculpture depicting Baota Mountain, mapping the idea that we will continue to break the ground and long live the revolutionary spirit.

Wanda hotel design and Research Institute is a world-class hotel design and Research Institute, covering architecture, interior, electromechanical, lighting, art, kitchen washing, logo and other disciplines. It is a professional hotel design institute with the experience of the owner. The designed hotel covers more than 20 brands of the world's five hotel management companies, and has completed the design and control of 200+ high-end hotels.