The Bidwell

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Dawson Design Associates
  • Lead Designer
    Andrea Sheehan
  • Architect
    Sera Architects
  • Interior Designer
    Andrea Sheehan
  • Hospitality
  • Construction Company
    FDR construction
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon, United States
  • Project Date
    December 10, 2020
  • Developer
    Sunstone Hotel Investors

One of the most activist-forward cities in America, Portland Oregon has more venture capitalists per capita making micro-loans to developing countries and sustainability initiatives than anywhere else in the USA. Our vision was to focus on the people of Portland and celebrate a bold progressive city and its global impact on environmental activism. Local artists and their installations explore the struggle for sustainable environmentalism through their art. Vertically sliced slabs of storm-downed Douglas Fir trees line the lobby walls and are lit by artistic alder trees and an overhead sculptural light mobile of thinly sliced veneer. All designed to spread a filtered and organic warm light. An industrial steel staircase leads guests up to the restaurant and bar. All capturing the relaxed attitude of the Pacific Northwest with a fusion of art gallery and a living room.
Guestrooms were designed to capture a more Nordic flavor with light woods, white walls and organic natural textures and colors. A contemporary attitude with the warmth of hand-woven wool area rugs and end-cut headboards expressed in a minimalist and fresh application.