Baiwei Building

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Original Space
  • Lead Designer
    Jiang Yusheng
  • Other Designer(s)
    Ding Zhengrui, Gao Zhen, Yu Shujing
  • Construction Company
    Taizhou Avenue Construction Engineering Co., LTD
  • Photo Credit
  • Location
    Taizhou, China

The designer understands the concept of nature and interprets the space with the most primitive stucco and cement brick as the main texture. The original texture of wood, rattan and bamboo is used to construct the space, conveying the warm and simple Oriental aesthetics.
The designer has carried out a reasonable layout of the inner space of the building, abandoned the complex and redundant decoration, and used a simple and clean method to ease the space atmosphere and enrich the space level, both partition and transparency, breaking the traditional division, private and not repressed. The use of virtual and real, light and shadow, moving and quiet techniques, combined with the small display and light and shadow effect is fascinating, experience the beauty of "a village with dark and bright".
The treatment technique of hollow and transparent form can not only unify with the texture of fair-faced concrete, but also introduce light and shadow effect to increase the interest. The shadow in the shade enhances the sense of tranquility, and the light turns from pale to bright, giving the scene a different feeling.