Town block of SORA-IMA/Sky Living

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architecture
  • Company/Firm
    Polus Gardenhills Co,.Ltd.
  • Lead Designer
    Koji Matsui
  • Other Designer(s)
    Noriaki Konishi, Kinji Ando
  • Architect
    Koji Matsui , Kinji Ando
  • Interior Designer
    Kinji Ando
  • Hospitality
    Polus Gardenhills Co,.Ltd.
  • Construction Company
    Polus Gardenhills Co,.Ltd.
  • Photo Credit
    ?Photo by : input-s Tanabe’
  • Location
    Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture JAPAN
  • Project Date
    July, 2021
  • Developer
    Polus Gardenhills Co,.Ltd.
  • Project Link

This is a four-lot house for sale adjacent to a land readjustment site. The garden and living room were planned as one unit, creating a "SORA-IMA" where the boundary between the inside and outside is ambiguous and one feels close to nature. The living room is surrounded by the open space of the garden, and the garden is enclosed and arranged in a way that allows the residents to enjoy a new place to live. We proposed a new form of suburban residence that blends in with the city while maintaining a sense of privacy.

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