The Hideaway

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • University
    Canadian University Dubai
  • Lead Designer
    Rowan Hassan
  • Location
    Jameel Arts Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


To contribute to the existing functions of Jameel Arts Center to invite diverse interests. The space will pay special attention to people with ADHD through purposefully defined series of spaces such as the (holistic) daycare that allows children to feel emotionally and physically safe with an art-based learning environment as well as a collective activity center with gymnastics and martial arts to allow children to let their energy out. It is intended to promote coexistence with non-ADHD individuals to maximise the space’s potential.


The design is primarily centred around less stimulating experiences to avoid ADHD users feeling overwhelmed and confused. This should lead to less impulsive behaviors. Low contrast between materials and colours, simple way finding, and clear cut circulation all act as contributing factors.

A passionate interior design student with an emphasis on creating spaces based on neuroarchitecture and sensory experiences!