
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Studio Z
  • Lead Designer
    Scar Chi-Hung Yuen
  • Interior Designer
    Scar Chi-Hung Yuen
  • Construction Company
    Studio Z
  • Photo Credit
    Studio Z
  • Location
  • Project Date

Urban construction inevitably produces construction waste. According to statistics from the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Hubei Province generates 82.833 million tons of construction waste every year. The province has built 40 construction waste disposal plants, with an actual annual treatment capacity of only more than 16 million tons, of which very few resources are converted into renewable building materials.

The concept takes reborn as the design theme, and considers the use of materials and carbon footprint, using abandoned building materials and agricultural production residues as the main decoration materials, so that the materials can be reborn and give the opportunity for a second life.

Old bricks were collected from the demolition sites in nearby villages around Wuhan. After cleaning, the old bricks were used as a feature wall in the cafe at the front desk of the hotel. Local memories preserved and historical culture inherited.

The decorative walls and furniture were made by the wheat straw boards from agricultural production surpluses. No formaldehyde is released and does not pollute the environment.