Reconecting with the nature

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • University
    Universidad De Monterrey
  • Lead Designer
    Larisa de Luna Cantú, Viviana Villareal Garza, Ana Sofia Lozano Rincón
  • Architect
    Larisa de Luna Cantú, Viviana Villareal Garza, Ana Sofia Lozano Rincón
  • Interior Designer
    Larisa de Luna Cantú, Viviana Villareal Garza, Ana Sofia Lozano Rincón
  • Photo Credit
    Larisa de Luna Cantú, Viviana Villareal Garza, Ana Sofia Lozano Rincón
  • Other Credit
    Zaida Montañana
  • Location
    San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

The project seeks to develop lodging spaces where will have an intimate connection with nature through architecture and interior design, generating personal well-being by inviting them to immerse themselves in the landscape. Sustainability was taken into account, implementing methods and techniques, having a lower environmental impact. The process was developed taking into account different important aspects, such as the understanding of the place, user, design guidelines and feasibility.

Located in the Hotel Parque Chipinque, it has 10 rooms and a restaurant. The overall aesthetics and colors give a balance and feel of the cabin and luxury of a hotel room. To make this possible, all the understanding of the place was taken into account as; the weather, the topography, the vegetation, among others. The extension of this
The building has been carefully adapted to the topography, creating new landscape accents through its language.

Interior design program director