Carbon Neutral Future Home

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • University
    Asia University
  • Lead Designer
  • Other Designer(s)

In today's society, most human beings advance with the concept of environmental awareness and technology in parallel. However, the energy and waste we consume are a burden to nature. How to achieve a nearly perfect balance between ecology and technology is What we need to discuss and apply, when it comes to energy sustainability, we can think of solar energy, hydropower, wind power, etc., but we have never tried to popularize these precious resources, and this Carbon Neutral House will do everything It is possible to talk about this issue. The overall white tone is to make the space brighter more easily. In order to increase the brightness of the space, most people use lamps to illuminate the space. We associate the root of the problem with the luminous material of the color itself, so that It does not consume power and can increase the brightness of the overall space through low light intensity. In addition, we have added the function of holographic projection in the technology part to make everything simple and intelligent. The addition of smart functions to holographic projection can also tell users about daily life. Food Analysis and Health Survey

Me and my partner are come from Asia University. We are studying in the interior design department. We are very interested in environmental protection and technology before considering the competition, and it is our dream to realize it.