CONECTA: Residencias inteligentes UANL

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • University
    Universidad De Monterrey
  • Lead Designer
    Analucia Lobatón, Ana Laura Garza, Valeria Galáz, Ivanna Rodriguez
  • Interior Designer
    Analucia Lobatón, Ana Laura Garza, Valeria Galáz, Ivanna Rodriguez
  • Photo Credit
    Analucia Lobatón, Ana Laura Garza, Valeria Galáz, Ivanna Rodriguez
  • Other Credit
    Jesús Alberto Canavati
  • Location
    San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

The project seeks to provide spaces for student housing for the growing population of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, one of the 3 largest in northern Mexico. But asking ourselves the question, what will students be like in the year 2030? The profile user are all those born after 2010, called the Alpha Generation.
According to McBride in the article "Future of Student Housing: Meeting Emerging Student Needs" (2017) this generation is known for being born technological, for them the line between a professional or an expert person is blurred, they are more impressed with the results and relationships than titles or credentials. They will be lifelong learners, with multiple jobs in multiple careers, more aware of energy use and sustainable living requirements, they will also be adaptive, constantly empowered.
The general objective of CONECTA, is to generate a cultural and community life through intelligent spaces that guarantee integration and well-being to foreign and foreign students by 2030, thus creating personal amenities , social and cultural that meet their needs and facilitate their stay, that favor integration among students.

Interior design program director