Ki no iE: The Home for Prader-Willi Syndrome

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architecture
  • Company/Firm
    Okayama University of Science
  • Lead Designer
    Daiu MABUCHI
  • Other Designer(s)
    Tsukasa Yorifuji, Toyofumi Niwa
  • Architect
    Daiu MABUCHI
  • Interior Designer
    Daiu MABUCHI
  • Construction Company
    Niwa Co., Ltd.
  • Photo Credit
    Okura Hideki (Kurome Photo Studio)
  • Location
    Abashiri City, Hokkaido, JAPAN
  • Project Date
    2019. May
  • Project Link

The "Ki no iE" is a small Home overlooking the Hat Rock in Abashiri given to a boy with Prader-Willi Syndrome. A growing appetite, developmental delay, and short stature commonly characterize the syndrome. We planned life in this home to become a natural diet and exercise regimen. For example, we designed a "hallway-integrated kitchen" that is always organized for others to see and a "variety of steps" and "bouldering wall" to encourage natural exercise in daily life. Also, the sight of the Ainu people praying on Hat Rock synchronizes with everyone's wish for a peaceful life at the entrance. Hat Rock is called Kamui Watara (Rock of God) by the Ainu people. It was a place of prayer before going offshore to hunt sea animals after the drift ice broke. When faced with unexpected difficulties, we built an "entrance to pray" overlooking Hat Rock, where all those who love him can pray for his safety.