Colegio Mayor Belagua

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architecture
  • Company/Firm
    Ruben J. Labiano, Arquitecto
  • Lead Designer
    Ruben J Labiano, Architect
  • Other Designer(s)
    Alberto Rodriguez Indave, architect
  • Architect
    Ruben J Labiano
  • Interior Designer
    Ruben J Labiano
  • Hospitality
  • Construction Company
    Baluarte Construccion SL
  • Photo Credit
    Pedro Pegenaute
  • Location
  • Project Date
    February 2023
  • Developer

The Colegio Mayor Belagua is a student residence located on the campus of the University of Navarra, with buildings scattered within a large green park. It has a historicist main building built in 1962 and two Towers, built in 1967.
Next to one of the Towers is the general library of the university, by the architect Javier Carvajal, and the extension opens to the views and the influence of the University Museum by the famous architect Rafael Moneo.
The project, winner of the restricted competition called for this purpose, is the first phase of a broader and more ambitious project that will be developed over time and that includes the expansion and general renovation of the Towers. Its purpose is to define the general conditions of a building that provides dining service to university students residing in the Torres del Colegio Mayor Belagua. It must also organize and optimize the circulation of residents, service personnel and suppliers. These residents currently receive dining service in the University Dining Rooms Building located on the Campus, about 400 meters from the Towers.