Wuhan Qushui-Lanting Resort Hotel (Guanggu)

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    DJX Desgin
  • Lead Designer
    Wang Bing
  • Architect
    Wang Bing
  • Interior Designer
    DJX Desgin
  • Photo Credit
    Ouyang Yun
  • Location
    Wuhan, China

DJX Design: “Deep Time” Experience

Every atom within the human body
originates from stars that date back billions of years,
as the stardust of the Big Bang
forms the essence of our existence.

When we talk about “vacation”, it entails not only escaping in terms of space but also drifting through time: Departing from the ordinary and the tangible, journeying through space and time while gazing at the starlight, freely wandering among glaciers and oceans, art, and history—discovering serene happiness and lasting energy not amidst overwhelming sensory bombardment but in the connections between humans and nature, between the past and the future.

Embracing this perspective, DJX Design’s latest project—the Wuhan Qushui-Lanting Resort Hotel, themed around the geological concept of “deep time” —delves into the concealed history of the Earth spanning billions of years. From structure and texture to lighting design, it extols the expansiveness and enigma of nature through an architectural sense of order.