Space 5.7

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design Residence
  • Company/Firm
    Studio Z
  • Lead Designer
    Scar Yuen
  • Interior Designer
    Scar Yuen
  • Construction Company
    Studio Z
  • Photo Credit
    Studio Z
  • Location
    Hong Kong
  • Project Date
    October 2022
  • Developer
    Studio Z

As the supply of housing in Hong Kong is tight, property prices and rents are on the rise. Many people are unable to afford the expensive rent. Nowadays, more than 280,000 people living in subdivided flats in Hong Kong. The average per capita floor area is 5.7 square meters.

Living in such poor conditions may lower their self-esteem and tend to become less sociable and introverted. People conflict and compete for space as the overcrowded area.

The project is a typical subdivided flats in Hong Kong. 2m wide by 5 m length, four peoples are living in only ten square meters, including kitchen and bathroom. The project is to relocate the function of the living, sleeping and dining area.

The project is using the multi-functional furniture to make more room for living, studying and sleeping.

Everyone deserves to be respected and life with dignity.