A Transitional Place of LOVE

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design Hotel – Boutique
  • University
    School of Visual Arts, NYC
  • Lead Designer
    Hsiang-Ting Huang

- Project Brief:
America has the highest percent of children living in single parent households in the world at 23%. This project is a traditional home designed for families who have been through trauma and incarceration and their child. The inhabitants will live in the “HOME” for three months. While working to pay for their lodging is a valuable opportunity to make connections and to get to know their children more when living together.

- Design Intention:
“Family” Plays an influential role in a person’s life, especially for people who were incarcerated. Parents always look after their children since they are born. However, this is the time for children to get back to the life they hoped to have.
I aim to create an enjoyable spatial experience for their children to stay and spend as much time together as possible. This home is not only a resting space but also a playground for creating joyful memories.