• Prize
    Winner in Interior Design Hotel – Boutique
  • University
    American University In Dubai
  • Lead Designer
    Lana Shadid
  • Other Designer(s)
    Nouf Al Doseri

The goal of the design is to create a rest area where guests are able to escape from the realities of everyday life and to be one with their surroundings. The design is inspired by organic shapes that can be found in nature. The guest room is located in popular sight- seeing areas, such as Trosmo, Norway where the northern lights are, The Swiss Alps, or even Wadi Rum. The materials of the prototype would change based on it location in the world, adjusting to its climate.
Through the large skylight, the guests will emerge in dream-like surroundings from the comfort of their own beds. The location of the guest room along with the smart technology implemented into the design allows for a stress-free escape. The guest rooms are connected in modular, flexible, and portable units.
Upon booking, guests will have the option to move based on where they prefer to be located on site. Guests have the ability to choose whether they want to be isolated from others, or if they would like to connect their units with friends and family. All hotel operations will all take place from a central lobby which is set in place while the guest units are distributed across the site.