Nomad Houses

  • Prize
    Winner in Architectural Design Tiny House
  • Company/Firm
    ZROBIM architects
  • Lead Designer
    Andrus Makouski
  • Architect
    Andrus Makouski
  • Interior Designer
    Andrus Makouski
  • Hospitality
  • Construction Company
  • Photo Credit
    Sergey Pilipovich, Ksenia Varavko
  • Location
    Braslav Lakes, Belarus
  • Project Date
  • Developer

The project Nomad houses is a part of the ecosystem of modular houses BY HOME and is an eco-hotel located in the main tourist center of Belarus - Braslav Lakes. A complex of 10 tiny-sized houses with modern architecture and all the necessary infrastructure is designed for recreation from the bustle of the city surrounded by unspoiled nature of the national park. The concept of Nomad houses was formed out of the need to develop domestic tourism. Nowadays when travelling around the world is becoming increasingly difficult,we, as architects, see our function as opening up interesting locations and creating a tourist infrastructure within the country. It was important for us to collect and convey the beauty of lakes, protected forests, a simple but aesthetic way of life. That is why we have located our lodges in the historic site - in the national park "Braslav Lakes" near the century-old coniferous forest with wild animals, on the shore of a clear lake, which complements the aesthetics of our architecture a lot. We have tried to collect and convey to our guests the values of the Braslav region and the minimalistic way of life, which we love so much.