A home away from home

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design Co-Living Space
  • University
    Universidad De Monterrey
  • Lead Designer
    Vanessa Castillo Reyes and Melissa Hernández Segovia
  • Interior Designer
    Vanessa Castillo Reyes and Melissa Hernández Segovia
  • Photo Credit
    Vanessa Castillo Reyes and Melissa Hernández Segovia
  • Other Credit
    Mónica Nadal Cerdeño
  • Location
    Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

The project considers:
Use of interior and exterior spaces.
Privacy and user autonomy
Management of sanitary waste, in the absence of sanitary structure
Self-organization of migrant communities
Design of an external ephemeral shelter element with ease of assembly and transportation
Storage and protection furniture belongings
Right to privacy (considers different types of families)

In a world in constant movement, where borders fade and migration stories resonate with a shared urgency, the need arises to create spaces that not only provide physical shelter, but also emotional and cultural. A notable example is the birth of a shelter specially designed for migrants from Cuba, Honduras and Nicaragua where roots merge cultural with the necessary welcome in new lands.

This shelter goes beyond simply being a roof over head; It is a sanctuary of identity and belonging. From the moment the migrant crosses its doors is greeted by a symphony of colors, aromas and crafts that reflect the richness of their culture of origin. Every corner is adorned with artisanal treasures that evoke the nostalgia of its roots, creating an environment that comforts and embraces.

Interior design program director