The Pinnacle, A study on collaboratorium design

  • Company
    Pierpont Comm Tech College Applied Design
  • Lead Designer
    Rachel Plybon-Beach
  • Other Designers
    Anthony Hancock, Ph.D.
  • Construction Company
    Terradon Corporation
  • Architecture
    ETB Architects in West Virginia and MBAJ Architecture in North Carolina
  • Interior Designer
    Rachel Beach
  • Hospitality
    Pierpont Community & Technical College
  • Developer
  • Project Location
    Fairmont, West Virginia
  • Completed date
    July 2023
  • Location
    Fairmont, United States
  • Project PDF

This proposal incorporated the unique cross-discipline approach of providing an event space that is flexible and multifaceted for the design challenge's function to serve a hospitality space for workforce education. The elements of collaboratorium design were sought to integrate solutions that answer the wide range of challenges in the higher education environments and the stakeholders associated with this strategic partner in the region's workforce. The ideas to place synergistic spaces with 21st-century communication and cloud-based collaboration are emphasized in the primary design details that have nuances to address creative interactions. The variety of human-centered experiences should respond to the mindfulness and wellness design attributes in the atmosphere. It will be an addition to the college that has been designed to meet the goals similar to achieving the heights of reaching the top of The Pinnacle.